I bring pairs, teams, groups and partnerships together using my Organization Development background and Organizational & Relationship Systems Coaching to bring transformation to their systems or relationships so that they can have an impact on the work they are set out to do in the world, and the become the people that they need to be.

Relationship & Systems Coaching

Learn to become a high functioning leader that builds a high performing team.

Are you looking for ways to bring people together to become a high performing team?

get started

Team coaching centers the relationship first so that your team can perform at the highest level in alignment with its purpose and the work that you are doing in service to the stakeholders. The journey to a high performing team follows Patrick Lencioni's model in the 5 Dysfunctions, by laying Trust as the foundation for all we do. Your team will start to have awareness about the wisdom and diversity on the team and co-creating solutions that have a return on investment. Your team will develop psychologically safe and trusting relationships, so that your team can maximize it's potential, purpose and performance goals.

centering the relationship in teams

Whether you are Forming, Storming, Norming, or Performing, this is for you!

How does it work?

ongoing team sessions & interventions including observation, teaching, coaching, consulting or facilitating

Step 3

Team diagnostic tool such as enneagram and leadership circle profile to provide scientific data to create awareness of team styles, motivations, and blind spots.

Step 2

team interviews & contracting to gather data to understand where the team is currently at, and the best place to begin

Step 1

Your team has lost sight of it's north star, vision, and mission, and you are unclear where you are going

You are stuck in analysis paralysis that is stalling or blocking the team from progress

You notice communication and trust breakdowns and conflict feels hurtful, not helpful

You want to work faster and get solutions in front of your customer quickly

Is this right for your team?