If you don't get a seat at the table, bring your own chair


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Earlier this month, I was “entertained” 😏 watching the vote for the Speaker of House of the US House of Representatives. Here are 400+ elected leaders, who could not select someone that would be able to represent and move them forward. History says that the number of ballots that were counted, had not been seen […]

Roadblocks to Leadership

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Taking a mirror and holding it up to yourself has to be the most difficult thing that a leader can do. When you hold the mirror to yourself, you have to accept what you see looking back at you – flaws and all. The flaws are the things that are difficult at times to swallow […]

2 Barriers that hold us back

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I just wrapped up my last session with one of my clients and we discussed what was next for her on her journey. We talked about where she started and how far she has come, and how after you reach one goal, it’s inevitable to start a new one. That is what learning is all […]

Get Clear on your Goals

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Are you one of those people that made a “get fit” goal for 2023? You said to yourself, this year I will no longer look like x, and I will start exercising and will lose x amount of pounds and do 100 squats a day so that I don’t lose my butt. New year, new […]

Your life. Your Choice.

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Did you know that between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day, 55% of adults report that they experience the holiday blues. Additionally, 64% of adults who already suffer from mental illness report that their conditions get worse around the holidays. Unlike any other health concern such as Covid, Flu, or even cancer, mental illness is oftentimes […]

Your Underlying Beliefs determines your Mindset

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Today is a moment in the most historical year of my life. It is the day that the first Black woman has been elected as the Vice President of the United States of America. Mrs. Kamala D. Harris! After 4 days of agony and wonder if we were going to be able to cross over […]

Say Her Name

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Taking a mirror and holding it up to yourself has to be the most difficult thing that a leader can do. When you hold the mirror to yourself, you have to accept what you see looking back at you – flaws and all. The flaws are the things that are difficult at times to swallow […]

2 Barriers that hold us back

Leadership & Career

I just wrapped up my last session with one of my clients and we discussed what was next for her on her journey. We talked about where she started and how far she has come, and how after you reach one goal, it’s inevitable to start a new one. That is what learning is all […]

Get Clear on your Goals

Leadership & Career

Are you one of those people that made a “get fit” goal for 2023? You said to yourself, this year I will no longer look like x, and I will start exercising and will lose x amount of pounds and do 100 squats a day so that I don’t lose my butt. New year, new […]

Today is a moment in the most historical year of my life. It is the day that the first Black woman has been elected as the Vice President of the United States of America. Mrs. Kamala D. Harris! After 4 days of agony and wonder if we were going to be able to cross over […]

Say Her Name

Leadership & Career

I wish…This don’t make no sense….Why is this always….I’ll be glad when….I should’ve just stuck to…. These are all the things that I hear come out of people’s mouths whenever they are not getting everything that they want. It’s like people think that life is supposed to be all butterflies and rainbows ALL THE TIME. […]

Stop Complaining When Things Don’t go your Way

Spirituality & Faith

Have you ever had a moment when you felt like things were never going to work out for you, because in this moment that you are in right now, everything is falling apart? You know what I mean, right? Remember that time when you and your boyfriend broke up; or the time when your boss […]

You have probably heard the phrase, “Perception is Reality.” It’s common in everyday language and we say it just as often as we say hello. This phrase is true, but the way that I have seen it interpreted has been a little off. When I hear people say it, it’s as if they are saying […]

Reality = Perceptions

Health & Wellness