I struggled thinking that I could never have an "authentic" career without drinking the corporate kool-aid...

Sound familiar? Now I'm on a mission to disrupt systemic oppression that Women of Color face in the workplace, by helping them to create their own seats at the table. Enough of trying to assimilate to cultures that want you to lose who you are and play small so that they can feel comfortable. Every woman deserves a career that they love and one where they feel liberated from the systems that try to hold them back.

I'm TaSheena - a native San Franciscan, mother, partner and fur Mom to a little puppy named CocoBean

I'm have a Master's in Organization Development, am a Certified Professional Life, Leadership and Relationship Systems Coach, an Accredited Enneagram Facilitator, aLeadership Circle Practitioner and Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Specialist. 

I stopped trying to fit in a mold, and occupying roles that did not make me happy, and decided instead to create a career path that I was aligned to my purpose and honored my values. I went from an Administrative Professional to a Certified Coach and Organizational Development Practitioner partner making my career what I wanted it to be.

For the last 8 years, I have worked as an internal Leadership Coach to Executives and high stakes team. I have led multiple Diversity, Equity & Inclusion teams and initiatives and used my strength of learning to teach, mentor and coach employees in corporate environments.

"I honored my values and stopped playing small, hiding, and sending my representative instead of the REAL ME, into rooms designed to see me fail"

Making that switch in my mind wasn't easy, and I spent many days praying that God would give me a breakthrough. But faith without works is dead, so I had to - Acknowledge my limiting beliefs, heal job trauma, fight back systemic oppression, and stop shape-shifting and playing small. And then something shifted in me. I started to speak up and not afraid of my voice being heard, show up authentically, set boundaries, feel my confidence strengthen and get past the infamous glass ceiling. My faith and my works aligned and now when I look back, it was the best decision that I could have ever made.

and wasting time trying to be what the world wants them to be.

I see too many Women of Color expected to play small and drink the corporate "kool-aid"... 

Discover what your underlying motivations and beliefs are that are guiding your behaviors in the workplace.

Ready to unlearn old conditioned patterns & choose a new path?

As a Leadership Coach, I help Women of Color to advance in their careers without compromising who they are. Not only are you exhausted in your career, but you are also struggling to understand and manage your life as a single professional and single parent. Deep down you are ashamed and have lost focus and ambition to go after what you want in life. 

You are under constant micro-aggressions at work, you're constantly trying to prove yourself and you are on the verge of burnout. You don't have a mentor or advocates to help you navigate the politics of the workplace and quite frankly, you are overwhelmed on where to begin.

Let's get to the heart of the matter and deal with those issues of the inner critic and imposter syndrome. Let's breakthrough your conditioning and how you have been shaped on what is the "right way" of leadership. 

It is my belief that you are worthy of a new beginning because you my friend, are MORE than enough!

Fast facts. . .

group coaching facilitated


happy clients


coach training certifications


books a month


I'm obsessed with . . .

Peloton in the morning and a massage at least once every quarter. I also love cooking from scratch, because knowing what's in my food is important to my health  

how i reset

I am a self-help book junkie, but also love a good fiction novel based loosely on actual events in history

reading a good book

Coffee or Tea every morning and a super cute lipstick that makes me feel confident when facilitating

can't live without



enneagram 5




night owl


morning bird




Make a guess.  I love . . .

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If you are looking for guidance on how to jumpstart your career in the right direction and take the next best steps to advance in your career, download my guide that will give you the strategies to begin that journey.

5 Strategies to Create a Seat at the Table in your Career

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10 pages of content!

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