I see you. I see the many ways that society's pressure on you keep you stuck. I see you trying to break out of the mold of your family conditioning and how everyday you are making decisions based external circumstances rather than internal desires. 

1:1 Coaching with TaSheena

for career and leadership development

You've tried to get the people around you to see you. You're doing work that is outside of your job description, you've put in extra hours without vacations and you feel like you're at a dead end. You are experiencing microaggressions, burnout, lack of visibility to work that can advance your career and you are hitting a ceiling, and you feel there is nowhere to go but to quit.

You want to feel safe to speak up, to be yourself, to be treated like a valued employee and be excited about the future.

You are sick and tired of being sick and tired, and you are ready to create your own seat at the table! No longer are you hoping that others will just see what you're worth, you are becoming unapologetic about the woman that you are.

i see you...

You're tired of having to prove yourself in your career & life, and being invalidated, dismissed or looked over.

There is no drinking the kool-aid over here. The end goal is satisfaction in your career because you are bringing your most authentic self to every aspect of your leadership journey.

You can still be yourself.

Each person's path is different, and we are not giving you a packaged program expecting it to work for you. Instead we create a package that works for you.

There's no one size fits all.

Mindset is at the core of getting you to forward movement. We begin by exploring your mindset and making steps to the shifts that are needed in your mind for success.

we work on the mind.

3 Ways Our Approach is Different...

You are no longer are afraid to show up authentically and have clarity about your strengths, and using them to elevate, amplify, and maximize you into your Zone of Genius.

You stop questioning and doubting yourself and instead step into your full power. You have clarity about your purpose and values that make you irreplaceable.

You have co-created alongside your coach a strategic plan that you are excited about and that fuels your energy towards your goals

No longer wasting time, energy, and money on things that are sucking the life out of you, and instead investing in those things that are closely aligned to your goals.

Results my clients see...

Tasheena coached me while I was in the interview process for two new job opportunities. I needed an outside perspective in determining the best next step for me. I chose Tasheena because of the wisdom I have seen her bring to conversations. She helped me think through my concerns and determine the risks worth taking for myself. In the process I gained clarity on what I want in this next step of my career. She helped me in keeping my eyes wide open as I decided the support I would need and the questions I should ask. Tasheena is a good listener who supportively responded to my requests, while also helping me consider my mindset and blindspots. I highly suggest her coaching services for short and long term coaching needs. As a result of our coaching, I recently started a new job! Our coaching work aided me in confidently asking for what I need in a way that I haven't in previous job searches. ~Tina Burgelman

"She helped me think through my concerns and determine the risks worth taking for myself."

To be inauthentic is exhausting! Who you are will be your unique value proposition. Your authenticity will support you to being in a career that is a match, because you are no longer sending your representative, but YOU all the way.

You will be empowered to show up authentic without having to hide or be silenced

feel empowered

You will start to hone in on the path that you want to take and will identify what career or roles you actually want to step into. No more occupying jobs or roles for the sake of having a job, instead your purpose, values, and strength will help you make the choice

You will create a seat at the table in the career that you choose. 

enjoy your career

There is conditioning that women have been taught that is causing trauma in our lives and is secretly ruling every choice that you are making. We will uncover those things and heal.

You will take back your power as we address past trauma that is affecting your mindset today.

take your power back


$8k for 6 Months

* Payment plans are available. After 6 months, you can add on additional coaching or join group coaching.

+ 6 months of high touch private coaching
+ Weekly coaching sessions over the 6 month period 
+ Customized strategic plan, leadership practices & tools based on your needs
+ 1:1 Voxer access to TaSheena for quick coaching on the go 

what's included

Our coaching calls happen over Zoom (or phone call if you prefer)! Each call is 60 minutes, each week. We'll also check in and communicate regularly over Voxer!

1:1 Leadership & Life Coaching

Need quick support, or advice. Send me a message on Voxer to chat.

weekly voxer support

I use my Liberated Woman Coaching framework to create a strategic plan that is unique to your specific circumstance and goals

customized strategic plan

Coaching sessions are 1-hour long and face to face on Zoom. (Or we can chat on the phone if you prefer!)

6 months of 1:1 coaching

What coaching is like...

I coach and teach Women of Color to show up authentically in their career and create their own seat at the table.

I was a single mother of four children in an entry level role that was barely allowing me to provide for my children. The work that I was doing was not energizing or making me feel complete. I had to code switch, felt constant microaggressions, was under constant scrutiny and my manager micromanaged every thing I did. I never complained because I thought I was being loyal and a good employee, although I was burned out and unhappy.

Until one day, I lit a fire under my ass, invested money I didn't have in a coaching certification course, that my boss didn't want to cover, and eventually became a certified Life Coach. I used that certification to create a seat at the table that took me from Administrative Assistant to a Director level coaching role. 

I know firsthand the hoops that women of color have to go through to get to their next level. I got to the next level and my own business doing what I love and I am ready to teach you too!

meet  your coach!

I'm TaSheena — Certified Leadership & Life Coach

What would it be like if your life felt as good on the inside as it *looks* on LinkedIn? 

There's no more "doing it for the 'gram!" We are going to get you in alignment with how you present yourself and who you really are, so that you are being congruent in your authenticity, and releasing any pressure to conform or drink the kool-aid.

Let's chat about working together!

take the first step. (it's easy!)

schedule call!

Schedule a complimentary phone call with me to get started. No strings attached!