learn about my liberated woman framework

You can advance in your career without drinking the kool-aid and compromising who you are.
Let me show you how!

Coaching Women of Color to show up authentically and create their own seat at the table

It's time to be true to yourself by honoring your values and achieving the things that you've  aspired to. I know that this begins by bringing your full self, authentically into your life, your leadership and your career. There's nothing more empowering than being REAL, standing in your truth, not hiding who you are and owning who you are unapologetically! Your hopes, dreams, passions, desires and longings should be honored. I will be with you every step of the way, guiding, empowering, and championing you until you are able to hold it down on your own. It's my belief that you have an Inner "Girl on Fire" that is ready to be seen and nurtured so that you can thrive in your career.

Are you ready? Let's get going so that you can live your best life!

And, you’re freaking sick of having to drink the kool-aid in order to advance in your career.

To be inauthentic is exhausting

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This coaching centers "Relationship" as the key component of meeting your goals. We explore patterns, triggers, roles, purpose, and execution.  

Relationship & Systems Coaching

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Our focus is on eliminating imposter syndrome so that you can reclaim your voice and be unstoppable as a leader

1:1 Leadership Coaching

work with tasheena

My mission is to help Women of Color advance in their careers without compromising who they are.

As a Black woman who has spent most of my career in a corporate environment, I have frequently come face to face with the inevitable glass ceiling. Ultimately, I decided that I wanted to support other BIPOC Women so that they can learn to navigate the corporate workplace.

As a Professional Certified Career & Leadership Coach, I help Women of Color navigate their careers so that they can find liberation in the workplace and be free from the systems that work so hard to hold them back.

CERTIFIED leadership coach · enneagram facilitator · leadership circle profile・organization development

You found your coach!

you can stop looking...

Meet  TaSheena!


I appreciate TaSheena's coaching style of humble inquiry, support, and accountability. She helped me explore the self-created barriers which impacted my personal and professional success. This was needed to support me through CTI certification. I am thankful for my time with her. I know others would benefit greatly from her coaching. ~ Reeshemah Davis

"She helped me explore the self-created barriers which impacted my personal and professional success."

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Working together is SIMPLE, and there's a package for exactly what you need right now!

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Think leadership coaching is the next step to up level your life and career? Find out if we're a good fit, no strings attached!

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